The animated series “Boo the Cat and the Good Boy” has become a finalist of contest for the best animation project in South Korea
The animated series Boo the Cat and the Good Boy has reached the final of the contest for the Best Animation Project that will take place at international animation market SPP (Seoul promotion Plan) in South Korea!
Seoul Promotion Plan
SPP is the largest animation market in Asia organised by Seoul Metropolitan Government and SBA animation center. This is a unique chance for professionals of industry to see the best animated series from different countries, to share their experiences, and to acquire rights for interesting projects! SPP will be he21-23ld at the center of design DDP (Dongdaemun Design Plaza) August 21 – 23, 2018.
It is good to know, Boo the Cat and the Good Boy is the only Russian cartoon among 20 finalists which are mostly from Korea.
Come on, Boo the Cat and the Good Boy, let’s go!