The animated hit “Tweetville” by the Parovoz studio is included in the list of participants in Suzdalfest XXIX
The Open Russian Animated Film Festival announced the participants of the program. “Tweetville” cartoon is in the “Series” category. In total, 14 animated projects are included for the nomination.
“Series”, nominees:
“Waterpark” (TV series “Tweetville”)
Directed by Anton Lanshakov
Production by the animation studio “Parovoz”
“The Great March” (TV series “The Great March”)
Directed by Denis Sopegin
Production by the center Kaprizka
“It was – it wasn’t” (series “Mundane Life of Magicians”)
Directed by Alexander Kuznetsov
Production by RIKI Center, RIKI Group of Companies
“Around Vitya” (TV series “Around Vitya”)
Directed by Vasily Korepanov
Production by Paranoid Animation Studio
“A Wolf Among the Sheep” (TV series “The Sheep’s hotel”, season 1)
Directed by Dmitry Vysotsky
Production by METRAFILMS Studio LLC
“Alien” (TV series “Prehistoric Dad”)
Directed by Vladimir Sakhnovsky
Production by LLC “Sharovaya Molniya”
“Bookworm” (TV series “The Last Bookstore”)
Directed by Pavel Osipov
Production by SMF LLC
“Bad Luck” (TV series “DragonLand”)
Directed by Nikita Yurov
Production by Yarko LLC
“Hike” (TV series “Luddleville”)
Directed by Vasily Volkov
Production by SMF LLC
“The Adventures of Wandlimb. Episode 1” (TV series “The Adventures of Wandlimb”)
Directed by Konstantin Shchekin
Production by ArtMetal LLC
“The Darkest Case” (TV series “Detective Finnick”)
Directed by Ilya Maksimov
Production by Computer animation studio “Petersburg”
“Sweet Dreams” (TV series “Sweet Dreams”)
Directed by Kirill Kravchenko
Production by the Studio “Pchela”
“Frank Confessions” (TV series “Beast Detective”)
Directed by Alexandra Evseeva
Production by METRAFILMS Studio LLC
“FANIA goes for a Walk” (TV series “FANIA goes for a Walk”)
Directed by Sveta Lebedeva
Production by XMedia Digital
Overall, there are more than 100 works in 6 categories.
The full list of nominees is available here