«Parovoz» presents its project at Moscow Licensing Summit pitching
On September 7, 2022, the «Parovoz» studio takes part in the Moscow Licensing Summit pitching of animation projects, which is held at the World Trade Center in Moscow (VIP floor, Ladoga hall). The studio presents the project of the animated series «Tweetville» as a part of THE BEST OF RUSSIAN ANIMATION session, organized by the Association of Animated Films.
In August 2022, the animated series «Tweetville» was included in the list of projects recommended by the Ministry of Culture to receive grants in 2022 in order to cover the costs associated with the production of domestic films.
Leading Russian animation companies — licensors, licensing agencies and licensees will take part in the Licensing Summit. The business program of the summit is devoted to the analytics of the licensed market, as well as presentation of new projects and brands available for licensing.
As far as some international players had left the market, the Russian content became focused, which is both a challenge and an opportunity for companies that work in animation. It is the development of licensed programs that will make the business large. So, the organizers provide the platform for the summit to AACR participants for the presentation of new projects that may be of interest to potential investors, licensed agencies and licensees-makers.