Fantasy patrol. Chronicles of miracles will be premiered in Moolt App on the 2nd of August. This new series id a spin-off of the popular children’s animated series Fantasy patrol. Both projects were produced by Parovoz animation studio, ordered by Digital Television of Russia.
This series is made for four years old children. Each episode tells about the characters of the Fantasy patrol that are already familiar to young viewers — Wise cat, Rainbow plant, The Clever Basilisa, the girls sorceresses themselves, and many others. Plots and stories described in the new cartoon reveal these characters and explain the motives of their actions.
The style of the new animated series is 3D animation, supplemented by motion comics, which global popularity is growing every year. From an artistic point of view, the dynamism of animated comics is achieved due to the expressiveness of poses, interesting visual compositions, special style techniques and the brightness of the language of the characters ’ movements.
Producer of the animated series Fantasy patrol. Chronicles of miracles Kirill Fedulov:
«We used motion comics to inspire credibility not only among young viewers, but also among adults, who often do not like 3D graphics. In our hand-drawn novels, we use a traditional outline with color fill, which reminds the viewer of a classic hand-drawn animation and evokes good feelings and memories. Fifty — fifty (3D + 2D) — this Golden rule is held by our creative team of the series Fantasy patrol. Chronicles of miracles».
General producer of the TV channel MOOLT Tatyana Tsyvareva:
«Our animated series will make the universe of Fantasy patrol even more voluminous and textured, fans will learn a lot about familiar favorite characters and the magical world. On the other hand, thanks to the style of motion comics, we will attract a new audience — a more adult one. I am sure that we made truly family cartoon that children will watch together with their parents».
Successes of Fantasy patrol animated series:
- 2017: won national animation award Icarus, awarded for achievements in the field of animated film and for professional contribution to the development for the industry.
- 2017: Cyber Sousa silver award in the category Best foreign animated series and was shortlisted in the same category at the Annecy international Animation Festival. The international jury highly appreciated not only the originality of his idea, but also the high quality of 3D animation.
- Fantasy patrol is the # 1 toy sales brand among Russian licenses according to NPD Group data for 2018.
- In 2019, the animated series took the first TEFI-KIDS prize as the best Russian animated series.
Bunny’s asventure episode premiere:
- on the 2nd of August, 2019 — Moolt App (iOS / Android).
- on 17th of August, 2019 — Moolt on cinema, episode 101.
- on 14th of September, 2019 — TV Channels Moolt, Tlum HD and ANI.
The number of planned episodes in the first season is 26. The first 13 episodes will air during 2019, and series 14-26 will air in the first half of 2020.