The third season of the animated series Fantasy Patrol has been broadcast on Moolt TV channel since March 13.
New adventures that young witches are going to experience in the new season of the cartoon concern their studies. Mary, Valery and Snowy get back to Magic College. Helena and timekeeper Alice join them and also become students of the College. But some other students do not like the girls. Arrogant classmate of the witches Lyubava and her cronies giantess Nastasya and kikimora Kika plot against the Fantasy Patrol. Besides, weird incidents start to happen both in the human and fantasy worlds. Former harmful magic suddenly wakes up in the well-known fairy-tale characters, who became kind and peaceful long ago.
The main author of the animated series Fantasy Patrol Maria Parfenova:
«When we worked on the storyline of the third season of Fantasy Patrol, we were looking for its peculiarity for a long time. Finally, we came up with it! While the charm and uniqueness of the first season is based on the fact that we show known from childhood evil fairy-tale characters as good ones, in the new season we tell something fresh about them! Sure, there is a new villain and a new intrigue. The balance of good and evil is disturbed in the worlds of people and fairy tales, just Fantasy Patrol can restore it! While their faithful friends Sasha and Vasya help them in it.»
Fantasy Patrol series is produced by the animation studio Parovoz at the request of the Digital Television company. This year the beloved by the audience animated series turns five years old. The premiere of the cartoon took place on April 30, 2016 within the framework of the almanac «MOOLT in the cinema». It has been broadcast on TV channels for kids Moolt and Ani since May 2016, since the end of the same year the series has been broadcast on Carousel — the federal TV channel for kids. You can also follow the adventures of the young witches on Moolt app., as well as YouTube channels Moolt and Fantasy Patrol, where the number of views is constantly increasing.