“Champies” is announced the best animated series at “Suzdalfest”
The animated series “Champies“, created by the Parovoz studio by order of the Digital Television media holding, won the XXVIII Open Russian Animation Film Festival. The winners were awarded on the main stage of the Suzdal hotel and tourist complex.
The plot of the “Champies” is centered around boy Roma’s toys that come alive: fluffy alien Bagel, brave toffee rooster Ko-Ko, charming Pinky doll, fearless superheroes Fly and Gloria, warlike rabbit General De Krol with his robots and noble samurai lizard O- Rush.
When Roma goes either out or to school, the inhabitants of his room have fun, hold competitions and parties. But if something happens to Roma, the toys rush to the rescue and do their best to help the boy. The Champies look for answers to serious questions, sometimes they quarrel, but always come to the conclusion that friendship is of utmost importance!