Cartoons produced by Parovoz are in the competition program of Zero Plus festival
From October 1 to October 8, Zero Plus international Film Festival of Children and Family movies is held in Tyumen. The competition program of the festival includes two episodes of the animated series “Champies” and “PUPPIES AND KITTENS” created by the Parovoz studio by the order of the Digital Television media holding. The festival program also includes the full-length animated film “Lost Miracle” by the GPM KIT Group of Companies (part of Gazprom-Media), produced by Parovoz with the support of the Rostec State Corporation.
The series “Champies” is represented in the competition program by the episode “Sweet Mission” (directed by Daria Rud and Jalil Rizvanov, 2022), the project “PUPPIES AND KITTENS” is represented by the episode “Four Wheels” (directed by Vera Myakisheva and Alexey Mironov, 2020).
Zero Plus international festival of children’s and family films selects feature, animated, and documentary movies from all over the world for children, teenagers and family audiences. The films are about friendship, family, adventures, culture, nature, relationships and knowledge. The offline audience of the festival consists of about 10,000 children and teenagers, parents and teachers, while online audience includes more than 100,000 people annually. This year, 169 films from 40 countries will be shown at the festival, more than 40 of the films are Russian premieres. The festival films are going to be shown in more than 30 regions of Russia.