Cartoons produced by Parovoz are broadcast on Mongolian TV channel STARTV
Digital Television Russian media holding and the Mongolian TV channel STARTV agreed to cooperate, so it became possible to show in Mongolia the animated series produced by the Parovoz animation studio.
Russian media holding Digital Television granted the Mongolian TV channel STARTV the rights to broadcast the animated series «Leo and Tig», «PUPPIES AND KITTENS» and «Be-be-bears» (ordered by the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company). Now the STARTV channel is working on the translation and voicing of the animated series into the Mongolian language as well as on the preparation for showing the series on TV.
For a month, the viewers from Ulaanbaatar and Mongolian aimags have been watching the animated series «Be-be-bears» on the Mongolian TV channel, and in the near future «Leo and Tig» cartoon will be shown.
The TV channel STARTV KOO United Broadcasting Corporation is one of the 18 Mongolian broadcasting TV companies that have the rights to broadcast their programs in Mongolia with high quality video signal. The TV company produces and shows a wide range of its own TV programs, including international content with official rights and an on-air license.